
Phot of Doug Hammerschmidt

Principal:  Doug Hammerschmidt
Phone: 801-402-2600

Admin. Intern: Kevin Hemphill
Phone: 801-402-2603

Contact Information

Main Office: 801-402-2600
Attendance: 801-402-2606

Office Hours:  8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Office Manager:  Monica Kirkman

School Directory

School Map

  • This school employs individuals holding an LEA-specific educator license, license areas, and/or endorsements.
  • The following designations or levels apply to educator licenses, license areas (i.e.-elementary, secondary, special education), and content endorsements (i.e.-mathematics, music, Spanish, social studies):
    • Percentage of the FTE that is fully qualified for their assignment: Fully qualified means the educator has a current professional license and professional license areas and endorsements for their assignments.
    • Percentage of FTE that is partially qualified for their assignment: Partially qualified means the educator has an associate license/license area or endorsement in their assignment. This includes professionally licensed educators who have received associate level license area/endorsements.
    • Percentage of FTE that is not qualified for their assignment: This includes educators without a current license, educators teaching on an LEA specific or a professional or associate educator teaching outside their area.  All LEA specific licenses fall into this category.
  • As of 01/15/2023, this school employs educators with the following types of licensures:
    • Fully Qualified - 89.31%
    • Partially Qualified - 3.28%
    • Not Qualified - 7.41%
  • Individual educator credentials are public information and may be found here:
Essential Eight

Syracuse Vision Statement

All students are actively engaged and focused on learning while being respectful, responsible, and safe.  Positive support, collaboration, and communication occur at all levels to ensure student growth and success.  Creativity and diversity are celebrated as students prepare to be productive citizens in their global communities

Teacher Student Success Plan

TSSP 2022